Crime prevention

British Columbia is taking action to prevent crime and make communities safer. This includes doing criminal record checks for people working with children and vulnerable adults, deterring metal theft by regulating metal dealers and recyclers, and creating the Protection Order Registry.

Services and information topics

Civil Forfeiture Office

The Civil Forfeiture Act became law in 2006. It targets the proceeds and instruments of unlawful activity. It was created to ensure that people cannot profit from unlawful activity or use property in a way that may harm other persons.

Community crime prevention

British Columbians understand the importance of enhancing public safety through crime prevention. They also know the value of programs that help the groups most at risk of becoming involved in crime, and of restorative justice processes that address the needs of victims and communities while holding offenders accountable for the harm they cause.

Criminal record checks

The new organization based online platform for the Criminal Records Review Program was successfully launched on August 19, 2024. We appreciate your patience as we fine-tune the system to ensure a smooth experience. Thank you for your continued support during this transition.

Metal recycling

Metal theft puts public safety at risk because it interferes with telephone services, emergency communications and transportation systems, and may expose the public to electrocution from live wires.

Protection Order Registry

The Protection Order Registry is a confidential database of all civil and criminal protection orders in British Columbia. It was created to help reduce violence against women, vulnerable adults, youth and children.

Pill Press Legislation

The Pill Press and Related Equipment Control Act came into force on January 15, 2019.

If you intend to or currently own, use, possess, rent, lease, or sell controlled equipment, you must register your equipment on the Province's Pill Press Online Registry.